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  • Writer's pictureIvan Zigler

The Dos and Don’ts of a Hit-and-Run Accident

Close to 25% of all crashes in Florida involve a hit-and-run.

Hit-and-run deaths have increased by approximately 7.2 percent each year since 2009.

Florida is among the top three states when it comes to fatal hit-and-run accidents.

Any car accident results in a stress response, but none so great, perhaps, as a hit and run. Imagine yourself driving down the road, pulling out of a parking lot or even backing out of your own driveway. Now picture another driver colliding with your vehicle and not stopping. As aggravating as it may be, if you lose your cool after a hit and run, you may not get the results you’re hoping for.

Here are the dos and don’ts of a hit-and-run accident.  After a Hit and Run if you are involved in any type of accident, there are steps you want to take. If you forego these steps because you think they aren’t important or don’t apply to you, you may hurt your chances for getting the compensation you deserve. This is what you want to do after a hit and run:

  1. Get Medical Attention - Medical attention is the number one priority. If you are seriously injured, it’s a no-brainer. But what if you aren’t injured or don’t think you are? Medical attention is still important. There are injuries that may not appear for several days following an accident. You don’t need to immediately seek medical attention if you don’t believe you are injured, but you should see a doctor within several hours following your accident. If you wait for days, a good defense attorney may be able to argue that your injuries weren’t a direct result of your accident.

  2. Get Information - Get as much information as you can. Accidents tend to happen quickly and you can easily become overwhelmed. Try to remember the color of the vehicle that struck you even though it drove away. You may not have gotten time to get the license plate number, but even knowing the make and model can be helpful. If you didn’t see anything, look for witnesses that may have.

  3. Speak to Witnesses - Speaking of witnesses, if anyone stops to help you, get their information.

  4. Call Your Insurance Agent - Call your insurance company to report the accident. Check your policy for the amount of time you have to report the hit and run. In most cases, you have between 24 and 48 hours to contact your agent or the claims center.

What Not to Do After a Hit and Run:

  1. Don’t Chase the Other Driver - Your first instinct may be to chase after the other driver and give them a piece of your mind, but don’t. The police will do their job. The other driver took off for a reason, and you don’t want that reason to put you in danger.

  2. Don’t Leave the Scene - Because the other driver fled doesn’t meant that you don’t have to stick around. Call 911 and report the accident and follow the instructions you are given. If it’s okay for you to leave the scene, the dispatcher will let you know that. Otherwise, remain on scene and wait for the police to arrive and take their report.

  3. Don’t Admit Guilt - The other driver may have fled, but you could still be found at fault for the accident. Don’t ever discuss the details of an accident without consulting an experienced attorney.

You deserve a lawyer you can trust and you deserve to be compensated for your financial losses. Call today to schedule your free case evaluation. Don’t think that recovering damages is impossible in a hit and run accident. I have represented countless victims like you with success.


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